Michael David Cummings (Spider One) Porcupine Spikes Hair

Michael David Cummings, also known as Spider One, is known for his music with Powerman 5000. He also runs a record company and is the brother of well-known movie maker Rob Zombie. Many people like Spider One’s hair as it has a unique look. However, it is not that hard to produce this look. It is fairly simple and easy to maintain and you will not have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.

Photo of Michael David Cummings hairstyle.

Michael David Cummings hairstyle.

If you want to have hair like Spider One, you may need to consider bleaching it out. Yet, one can achieve this look in any color and it is strictly up to you. Many people like this hairstyle for its shock value. If you are going for shock, you can try any outrageous color that you like. The more bizarre, the more shocking your may appear. If you would like to look “dangerous” this may be the right hairstyle for you.

Photo of Spider One porcupine spikes hair.

Spider One porcupine spikes hair. Photos via htbackdrops.

Spider’s hairstyle works best for thick to medium type hair, and about medium length. Yet, this look is very versatile as you can wear glasses or have various kinds of face shapes. It may work better without facial hair, but this may depend on the man. If you already have facial hair, try it, as you can always shave later if you wish.

Start by teasing the hair all over. A teasing comb is best but any fine tooth comb should work. Grab a section of hair and comb it in both directions up and down. Next, move on to another hair section.

Take some hair wax in your fingers and apply it to the ends of your hair. Rub it in with the fingertips until you have the desired texture like a porcupine. You may need to reapply to get the look that you want.

After applying wax it is time to use some hairspray. Hold the can at least a foot from your head and lightly apply the spray. Be careful not to use too much or your hair will not look natural and will take on a greasy appearance. You can have Michael David Cummings hair, and it should only take a few minutes of your time.

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