How to Moisturize Damaged Hair – Two Simple Tricks

Believe it or not, men spend as much time and as much money on their hair as women. After all, we want to look good to impress the ladies that catch our eyes. This means that men sometimes do things to their hair that leave it dry and damaged, just as women sometimes do. Here, we will look at a couple of simple tricks guys should know about how to moisturize damaged hair.

The simplest trick is to use conditioner each time we shampoo. Shampoo strips much of the natural oil away from hair during the process of cleaning the scalp. This often leaves hair dull, dry, and brittle. Conditioner is normally formulated to replace this oil and to add moisture that the oil holds in place back to the hair. Occasional deep conditioning treatments from a salon may also be helpful.

Another simple trick is to take a bottle of olive oil and coat the hair in it about once a week. Again, shampooing and styling often strips the hair’s natural oils away and leave it vulnerable to damage. Olive oil is very close to the oil that is produced by the scalp to protect the hair, therefore it will act in much the same way to protect the hair from further damage and help to repair any that has already occurred.

There are other things that men can do to moisturize their hair. These are just two simple tricks that use items that are normally already in the home to repair the damage done by normal washing, chemical treatment, and heat treatment used to style the hair.

Moisturizing damaged hair can help it to look good again, which is exactly what we want our hair to do as we want to impress our bosses and our ladies as much as anyone.

3 thoughts on “How to Moisturize Damaged Hair – Two Simple Tricks”

    • You can use olive oil every few days or nights before you go to bed then wash it in the morning using shampoo. Do not apply too much oil to avoid hair looking oily. If you have dry scalp & dandruff in your hair, massage the scalp with the oil everyday after you get rid of them.


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